Open letter to Symantec

I have been infected with malware despite the fact I installed Norton Internet Security and have it been active.

One evidence of inability of Norton Internet Security:

Check this!

One bmp file uloaded on a Sakura Internet server

This file is a screenshot I made while I submitted a complaint to Sakura Internet.

The biggest problem here is that the above bmp file looks like the below file to me:

bmp file is a very basic file used on the Internet. However, via my PC, something,  possibly malware, warps the result and make me believe that I am seeing my own article "Why do you become tired after sleep."

This is very stange. Basic Internet rule is violated by somebody or someething. And Norton Internet Security cannot or have never been able to detect the malware which causes this "irregularities."

Further, if I downloaded the bmp file, I can see the file as it is. So, the malware is warping the image file when I uploaded bmp files to my own server/Sakura Internet server.

Is'nt this a crime? Why are these irregularities never corrected?

I don't know. And I don't know the reason why I have been troubled by "the infections" despite Norton Internet Security.

This is a crime. It violates my basic rights. It should be corrected. But nothing happens, to my saddness.

Am I having Gamma group spyware implanted on my PC? The Authorities should answer it because it is exactly their duty.

Hideyuki Takemoto

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